My Role:

Lead Product & UX/UI Designer


16 Weeks

Tools Used:

Adobe Illustrator, Canva, Figma

My Role:​ Lead Product & UX/UI Designer​

Timeline: 16 Weeks

Tools Used:​ Adobe Illustrator, Canva, Figma​

My Contributions:

I simplified the app’s design while ensuring it remained vibrant and visually appealing. Additionally, I prioritized creating a seamless user experience that allows users of all ages to navigate the app with ease.
The color selection was made with the user in mind. Instead of using harsh colors that might strain the eyes, I opted for soft pastels that are more visually pleasing and enhance the overall viewing experience
The RoadTones logo underwent several iterations before arriving at the final design that best represents the brand. Considering the product’s focus on sound, this needed to be reflected in the logo. The ‘A’ and ‘O’ in RoadTones are connected by a musical note, symbolizing the brand’s connection to music and sound.
Before developing the high-fidelity design of the app, I created a detailed layout from the user’s perspective. This comprehensive layout facilitated the design process and provided valuable insights into creating a fully functional and realized RoadTones app.

What I Learned:

This project provided valuable insights into the design process, particularly rapid ideation design. With short deadlines requiring significant weekly progress, what initially felt stressful became an adaptable and stimulating challenge that pushed my creativity further. I gained extensive knowledge in color theory and how to present an app in a way that ensures consumer engagement and understanding. Additionally, I enhanced my Adobe Illustrator design skills in branding and logo creation.